Little Tweaks for Overcoming Fitness Plateaus

By Nicole Kurz | March 22, 2016
We’ve all experienced dreaded fitness plateaus at one time or another. Things can be going along great, your body can be adapting to your workouts, and you can be hitting PRs left and right when suddenly, your progress stagnates.

Whether you’re a CrossFitter, weight lifter, runner, cyclist, triathlete or an average gym-goer, it’s always frustrating when your workouts stop producing the results you’re searching for.

Luckily, there’s no need to completely change your fitness routine or goals to break through your plateaus. Making a few simple tweaks can help you build the strength or endurance you need where you need it most, and get the gainz flowing.

Check out our tips to overcome some of the most common training issues by adding in just one piece of equipment to your routine.

Problem: You’re hitting weight plateaus on your lifts and no matter what you do, you can’t lift more.

Solution: Strengthen Your Core

Equipment to Try: TRX

Competitive weightlifters know core strength is kind of everything. According to this article on Core Training: Evidence Translating to Better Performance and Injury Prevention published by Stuart McGill, PhD an expert on spine mechanics and kinesiology out of the University of Waterloo in the Strength and Conditioning Journal

“By stiffening the torso, power generated at the hips is transmitted more effectively by the core.”

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