Alex Anderson: Gear, Growth and Getting Back to the Games

By Kaitlin Bitz Candelaria | February 2, 2016
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Alex Anderson (c) CrossFit, Inc.

Alex Anderson knows a thing or two about dominating the CrossFit Open. He took third place last year in completing 15.5, a devilish combination of thrusters and calorie rows that brought even the strongest to their knees.

As if that wasn’t impressive enough, Anderson went on to finish the Open in eighth place last year — yes, you read that right, he finished eighth in the entire world — before claiming 13th place at the CrossFit Games last July. 

Of course, for anyone who knows Anderson, his success is not a surprise. The collegiate football player has always been active — it’s in his blood. In fact, his father, Steve Anderson won the Master’s division of the Games in 2011 in the age 55-59 division, which is where Anderson found his inspiration to begin CrossFit. When this good old Southern gentleman isn’t working out with his brothers at CrossFit KTown in Knoxville, Tennessee, he enjoys exploring the great outdoors and always staying active.

We caught up with the Games competitor to see what he’s up to these days and how he’s preparing to dominate the Open again in 2016.


FHQ: How long have you been doing CrossFit and what was your background like before you started?

Alex Anderson: I played all different sports growing up.

In high school I played football, baseball and wrestled. I then went on to play football at Maryville College in Tennessee. The spring of my senior year, in 2012, is when I started CrossFit. I am single with no kids.


FHQ: So, last year was your first year at the Games and you had a top 20 finish. What was that like?

Alex Anderson: It was an honor to be out there. It was a tough week of competition and I can’t wait to hopefully get that same opportunity this year. I was happy with my performances in the swim event and Murph.


FHQ: What does your typical workout/fitness routine look like?

Alex Anderson: It can vary from day to day, but typically it is eat, train, snack, train, eat, train, eat, sleep.


FHQ: Sounds like our favorite kind of day! What do you do to stay active outside of CrossFit?

Alex Anderson: I like to hike, camp, hunt and fish.


FHQ: What kind of music gets your pumped up during your WOD?

Alex Anderson: I  listen to a little bit of everything, but country and classic rock are my favorite!


FHQ: What does your typical nutrition look like? What is your favorite cheat meal?

Alex Anderson: I don’t really know much about nutrition, so I eat what makes me feel good in the gym and allows me to perform to my maximum capabilities.

Typical foods include eggs, sausage, oatmeal, chicken, taco meat, rice and peanut butter sandwiches.

Alex Anderson (c) CrossFit, Inc.

FHQ: Do you have any gear that you can’t live without?

Alex Anderson: Nike Metcons, Kill Cliff, Pure Strength equipment in the gym and Redline Gear.


FHQ: Are you taking any supplements regularly? What products would you recommend to other athletes?

Alex Anderson: Xwerks Grow and Ignite — it’s the best pre-workout and protein out there! They are really the only supplements an athlete needs.


FHQ: What’s one item on your bucket list that isn’t CrossFit related?

Alex Anderson: I’d like to backpack through Patagonia.


FHQ: What tips do you have for someone who may be letting something hold them back from trying CrossFit?

Alex Anderson: CrossFit is a great tool for all walks of life. It can be utilized for so many different goals and I recommend it to everyone.


FHQ: What PR are you most proud of and why?

Alex Anderson: I don’t really care about many of my PRs, because all that matters is what you hit on the day of competition.


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